My Jewelry Saved My Life

My name is LaTanya Cole, and I am the creative mind behind COLEctions by LaTanya. Take a moment of reflecting and ask yourself if you have you ever suffered from depression? If not, you probably know someone who has previously suffered or is currently suffering from this prevalent disease. Believe it or not, this disease is not that uncommon in our community. Rewind to 2020, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. Although I was diagnosed in 2020, I suffered long before 2020; however, like many of us, I used drugs and alcohol to cope with my stressors. I'm now aware that I was not coping. I was, in fact, numbing my painful reality. Today, I call myself "The Lucky One" because I was actually able to get myself help just before hitting rock bottom. While receiving treatment, I was searching for something that spoke to me on a more powerful level than, you know, spending time with horses, journaling or speaking out in an AA or NA group. One day, my recovery peers and I were taught to make our own bracelets and from then on, I never stopped. It became therapeutic for me because it made me feel happy knowing that I could create something that was one of a kind, unique and special. Creating has helped me stay sober and serene more than any support group I've ever attended. Ultimately, I haven't experienced a week of depression since starting my business. Throughout my sobriety, I've been on a constant spiritual journey. It was during that journey that I was able to study the therapeutic uses of crystals and stones. I found that the crystals and stones have the ability to store, transmit and transform energy. Because I truly believe this, I have incorporated them into beautiful designs. My bracelets are intended to give you an opportunity to learn about the therapeutic uses, as well. After each COLEction is made, I use white sage to cleanse any unwarranted energies. COLEctions, as a brand, is in the business of selling positive energy and confidence to everyone. Who doesn't need that?!!! I continue to maintain that your purchased design will truly be one of a kind. Our goal is to continuously remind everyone to protect your COLEctions in the same manner that you should protect your energy.... with special care!
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