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COLEctions by LaTanya

Sodalite and White Jade

Sodalite and White Jade

Regular price $17.07
Regular price Sale price $17.07
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Mental Clarity

Sodalite brings order and calmness to the mind. It encourages objectivity, truth, and the ability to verbalize feelings calmly and rationally. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem. self-acceptance and self-trust.

White Jade has the ability to increase or enhance the energy in your life. It will make challenges seem easier, and will make your troubled mind calmer. White Jade will bring you wealth, health, and longevity.  It will also promote love and emotional balance, as well as peace and harmony in your relationship or life! 

With this bracelet, you will be able to calmly gather your thoughts, ideas and issues in order to effectively communicate. It will allow you to regroup your thoughts and focus on the things that truly matter instead of having anxiety about the troubles of today that are not even going to matter tomorrow.

***It is important to note that the benefits of gemstones are based on traditional beliefs and may not have been proven by Science.

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